Smart waste management system

CHAPTER 3 (METHODOLOGY) WORKING PRINCIPLE 3.1 INTRODUCTION The garbage containers transmit signals to indicate that they are over 80% or 90% full and should be emptied. Via the mobile communications network, the signals are sent to a web based software application used by the waste management company. In the software, the capacity of the container is indicated, which is taken as a basis to plan the best route for waste collection garbage trucks travel only to those containers that actually need to be emptied. A robust ultrasonic sensor is installed in the garbage container and detects the fill level regardless of what has been deposited inside. The whole system contains ULTRASONIC SENSOR, ARDUINO BOARD, GSM MODULE, BREAD BOARD, POWER SUPPLY (BATTERY). The sensor is fixed on to the bread board. the connection between the arduino board and sensor is made with the help of connecting wires. The working program is fed into the arduino board. The gsm module is...